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The Divide Grizzlies Basketball Club

The Divide Grizzlies Basketball Club

Registration Listing

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The Divide Grizzlies AAU Competitive Play -FALL BALL

You can register for this program via the REGISTER NOW buttons above. If you do not want to register online and would prefer to pay via Cash, Check, PayPal, or Zelle, you can do so by clicking this link: This link will allow you to complete our Participant Information/Waiver Form and pay via Cash, Check, PayPal, or Zelle.


Required Jersey Kits:
In order to participate on a Divide Grizzly AAU Team, all players must own/rent a Divide Grizzly Jersey Kit:

  • Seasonal Rental cost: $20 + $200 deposit check 

Deposit Checks for rentals will be returned at the end of the season when you turn in your jersey at one of our jersey hand-in days. In order to receive your deposit check back, the jersey kit must be complete, cleaned and re-usable (not damaged).

If you decide to keep your jersey kit at the end of the season, we will deposit your check and the jersey kit is now yours.  You can reuse your jersey for the next 3-years. If you child outgrows their jersey, they can exchange it for a larger size for a $25 restocking fee.

The Jersey Kit includes:
Home Jersey (White) - top & shorts
Away Jersey (Black) - top & shorts
Reversible practice jersey

$20 rental fees can be paid via check (separate check from deposit), cash, venmo, zelle, or paypal

Tournament Days:
Our tournament gamedays are all about getting our young athletes lots of real game experience against top teams in that area. Most young athletes struggle to showcase their skills on the court when it matters in a competitive game. The only way to gain the experience and confidence necessary to perform at the highest level is to get a lot of real game reps against other competitive teams. That is what Fall ball is all about. Develop your skills, confidence, and passion for basketball through competitive play. It may be rough at first, but we will continue to work through our nerves, inexperience, and deficiencies on the court as we develop as individuals and a team. Win or lose, we focus on teaching life skills through basketball including: teamwork, sportsmanship, effort, integrity, respect, leadership, self-esteem and strategy.

"School is a series of lessons that uses tests to see what you learned along the way. Basketball is a series of tests that teaches you lessons along the way." 

Division/Team Placement:
We are taking registration all together (boys & girls ages 10-16). We will break players into divisions/teams based on our final club roster. This may involve moving players up a division, or combining boys & girls teams to make them co-ed. If we cannot find a division for your child, you have 2 options:

  • Receive a refund for $240, plus a $5 credit which can be used for a future season (sorry but we cannot refund processing fees as we never received that money)
  • Receive a partial refund of $120. With this, your child can still participate in the Monday & Friday practices. They just will not play in the tournaments. 

*These options are only for if we can't find a team/division for your child. See our refund policy below for other refund scenarios.

TeamSnap Invite:
We will be sending everyone a TeamSnap invite 1-week prior to the program's start date.  Please accept the invitation and download the TeamSnap App on your phone if you haven’t done so already. We are going to be using TeamSnap this session to:

  • Communicate with the parents: You will be receiving automated e-mail reminders from TeamSnap as well as e-mails from the club president/head coach - Billy Goldstein. We also recommend parents use the TeamSnap chat tool to communicate with coaches and other parents.
  • Schedule Calendar: You can see all the upcoming practices on the team schedule tab. If I make any changes to the schedule (i.e. practice gets moved to a different field or cancelled), you will be notified. 
  • Availability: The availability tool is the best way to let the coaches know if your child will be attending or not. Just click the Schedule Tab, click on the date of the practice, and select Going, Maybe or No. 

If you already have TeamSnap, and this is not the email you used to register through TeamSnap, please send me the correct email. This way you don’t need to create a whole new profile.

If you don't receive the TeamSnap invite 1-week prior to the start date, please check your SPAM folder. Still don't see anything, e-mail your Camp Director (see contact information below)

Parent Volunteer Team:
We are always looking for parents to get involved with the club and help us grow by volunteering for one of our available parent volunteer positions. Our parent volunteer team will receive a $120 credit at the end of the season which can be used towards any future Divide Grizzly program.

  • Assistant coach
  • Social Chair
  • Team Manager
  • Community Marketing Coordinator
  • Fundraising Coordinator
  • Videographer
  • Photographer

You can sign-up for a volunteer position via the link below.

In order to receive the credit/refund, parents must actually perform the tasks associated to the role. Signing up is not enough.

Check-out Procedures:
All participants are currently listed as CHILD CHECKOUT, meaning they can check out with their coach after practice and go meet their parents in the parking lot, get a ride home from a friend/teammate etc. If you would like to change your child to PARENT CHECKOUT, please e-mail club president, Billy Goldstein., As a parent checkout, players will stay in the gym with the coach until a parent, or authorized guardian, physically checks them out with the coach in the gym.

What to bring to Practice:
All participants should wear their reversible practice jersey along with athletic shorts and shoes. Participants should bring plenty of water and a duffel bag/backpack to keep all their possessions in. 

All basketballs and sports gear will be provided.

Club Culture:
Our club culture is the MEAL plan.

  • Make Mistakes
  • Effort
  • Accountability
  • Learning

In order to play for The Divide Grizzlies, everyone must agree to our MEAL Plan Club Culture. A healthy Meal Plan can give an individual the nourishment it needs to grow and development. Our MEAL Plan Culture does the same for our Club. You are going to make mistakes and that is okay because you are always going to give maximum effort, take accountability for your actions on and off the court, and learn from your mistakes. That is how you will grow as a player. That is how we will grow as a club.

Core Values:
If all we give our players this season is wins and basketball specific skills, we have failed them as coaches.  Our mission is to provide our players with values that they can use on the court, in the classroom, in their future professions, and in their personal lives.  The team’s core values are:

  • Be Passionate.
  • Be Tough
  • Be Unified.
  • Be Thankful.

Players will have other values that they bring to the team as well, there are lots of great values we could have chosen from, but these are the 4 that all players are required to respect and practice in order to join our basketball family.  Talking about the values isn’t enough.  There are actions/behaviors that we use to evaluate if our players are buying into our value system:

Be Passionate: Behavior - Choose to do extra work

  • Everything you get in basketball, and in life, is what you do outside the ordinary.  Showing up to practice and going through the motions will not give you an advantage because everyone in the league is doing that.  What are our players doing above and beyond that will separate them from everyone else?
  • Examples at practice:  Going for every offensive rebound.  Giving 100% during strength and conditioning workouts.  Practicing correct shooting form at all times.  Arriving early enough to prepare yourself both mentally and physically for a good practice.
  • Examples outside of practice:  Practicing.  Studying the coaches clipboard.  Eating healthy and doing the necessary conditioning off court to perform on court.

Be Tough: Behavior – Positive body language.

  • This is only one of many measurements of physical and mental toughness, but it is a good start.  How do we look/act when we are down by 20, or receive a bad call from an official?  Are we tough enough to shake off a bad play, or even game, and continue to fight for the betterment of the team? 

Be Unified: Behavior – Speak & Act with Urgency

  • Having the willingness and toughness to call out teammates, and ourselves.  Holding yourself and your teammates accountable for their actions and behavior.  Showing your teammates that you love them by telling them the truth in a tough situation.  And just as important, to be willing to receive the truth without getting defensive.  These are all examples of speaking and acting with urgency.  Do we stand and fight with our teammates whether we are up or down by 20-points?  Do we stand up for one another on and off the court?  You can’t be unified without trust, and there can be no trust without vulnerability.  Can we be vulnerable enough with our teammates and coaches to go from good, to great, to unstoppable?

Be Thankful:  Show Love

  • Show your appreciation to your teammates by telling and showing them that you appreciate their sacrifice to the team.  A good way to show this on the court is through what we call “counting touches”.  How many high-fives and pats on the back are you giving to your teammates in each game/practice.
  • Show your appreciation to your coaches by showing up to practice, games, and film sessions, ready to put in work and get better. 
  • Show your appreciation to your parents by thanking them for supporting your love for basketball and showing them that you can play basketball and still take care of your responsibilities at home and in the classroom. 
  • Show appreciation to all the adults who work to give you the opportunity to play the game that you love.  This includes custodians, bus drivers, athletic directors, teachers, referees, and school staff.    

The ROOTS of the Game:

Players must always show respect to the ROOTS of the game.  

  • Rules
  • Opponents
  • Officials/coaches
  • Teammates
  • Self

Club Rules:

Our Club Rules are simple but closely regulated.  

  • Be Nice
  • Be Safe
  • Have Fun!

Concussion Awareness:
We follow “Heads Up: Concussion in Youth Sports” protocol. The Fact Sheet For Youth Sports Parents can be found via the following link:

If your child has sustained a head injury or is suspected of having sustained a head injury, they cannot Return-to-Play until they have visited a licensed health care professional for evaluation and clearance, AND parents have signed a head injury information/awareness sheet.

Refund Policy:
We offer a full refund (less credit card/website processing fees) up to 2-weeks prior to the program start date. Inside 2-weeks, we will not offer refunds, unless it is a medical issue accompanies with a doctor's note stating that your child is no longer able to participate. It is up to the discretion of the club director whether or not to offer a program credit inside the 2-week refund period. Considerations include: was the program full (meaning you were keeping another child from registering), will your child dropping put us below the minimum, the reason for your child dropping etc., Refund and/or credits will never be given if your child or family has broken the terms listed in our code of conduct.

Meet Your Coaches:

Boys Head Coach - Billy Goldstein

Boys Assistant Coach - Ed Larson

Girls Head Coach - George Saunders

Contact Information:

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your camp director:

Billy Goldstein

[email protected]



Team Personnel Listing

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No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.


The Divide Grizzlies
PO Box 719 
Georgetown, California 95634

Phone: 844-474-9411
Email: [email protected]